Podcast Research – ‘Aliens’: PFC Vasquez

When it comes to kicking ass, there’s no one better than PFC Vasquez, as played by Jenette Goldstein in Aliens.

PFC Vasquez, as played by Jenette Goldstein in Aliens
The biggest badass of the Colonial Marines

She is one tough hombre who is not afraid of a fight. Her attitude is blatantly displayed via the message she has written on her amour:

Action figure of Vasquez, a character from the sci-fi movie Aliens
NECA Vasquez action figure

It translates to “The Risk Always Wins”. BTW, the backstory for her and her fellow Marine Drake is that they were both serving life sentences in juvenile prison when they met, and both used a get-out-of-jail card offered by the army by enlisting. The smartguns they use in the film utilize gyroscope harnesses developed for Steadicam cameras:

Vasquez and Drake, two characters from James Cameron's sci-fi movie Aliens
Vasquez and Drake and their little friends

She’s always good to have around when unwanted creatures try to visit:

Vasquez and an alien creature from James Cameron's Aliens
Vasquez and company

And such is the impact of the character of Vasquez that she’s spawned a whole army of tough looking cosplayers:

Some cosplay based on the Vasquez character from the sci-fi movie Aliens
Adios, muchachos!

So, even though our favourite Marine ass-kicker isn’t a particularly talkative person, we’ll let her have the last word:


Source: Vasquez Cosplay


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