Slow Burn Ep. 003 – The Importance (or not) of The Force Awakens

WARNING!! This episode contains a myriad of spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Including the biiiiig one. You know what I’m talking about. Wait, if you know what I’m talking about then we’re not spoiling anything. Anyhoo, if you’ve already seen the movie or hate the idea of suspense, then you may fire when ready.

Chad, along with Ross Waddell, who you might remember from TenPointReview, Special Guests Laura Sheppard and Jacquie Pillon the voice of Cookie Falcone on TV’s Fugget About It are led by our fearless host Video Game archivist at, William Hunter. We talk a lot of shit about Star Wars: the Force Awakens and other nerdstuff.

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