Nerdstalking Podcast Ep. 005

Check out episode 5 of the Nerdstalking podcast.

Chad Gendron, aka Batman, along with the Boy Wonder Ross Waddell, who you might remember from TenPointReview, Special Guest Jacquie Pillon, Chief O’Harra and the voice of Cookie Falcone on TV’s Fugget About It are led by our fearless host Commissioner Gordon, Video Game archivist at, William Hunter. We talk a lot of shit about Batman and Superman before seeing the movie as well as other nerdstuff. For the review filled with spoilers about Batman v Superman, see episode 5a.

Be sure to subscribe at Podomatic or iTunes.

One thought on “Nerdstalking Podcast Ep. 005

  1. I like how Chad totally describes how Batman should create a kryptonite aerosol Superman repellent, before seeing the movie, which is EXACTLY WHAT BATMAN ENDS UP DOING IN THE MOVIE!

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