Your ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Primer
Why not prepare yourself for the huge mash-up that is Avengers: Infinity War by catching up with the solo efforts of Marvel’s stable of superheros? There’s a podcast for that, namely Nerdstalking and our reviews of the following, more recent heroic outings:
Doctor Strange:
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2:
Spider-Man: Homecoming:
Thor: Ragnarok:
Black Panther:
Start cramming, peeps! The Avengers exam is just days away!
Ep 027 Wakanda is Wack in the Black Panther trailer
Chad and Bill examine the trailer for Marvel’s Black Panther, and find it wanting. Bill also ponders the Amazonian (or not) nature of Wonder Woman Gal Gadot, we dwell on next year’s Captain Marvel, and other pressing topics.
Show Notes:
00:00 – Intro, and we go right into our breakdown of the Black Panther trailer.
15:25 – The beginning of our thoughts on leaked set pictures of Brie Larson as Captain Marvel, as well as Chad sets up some comic book context for the character.
16:02 – Is Gal Gadot tall enough to be Wonder Woman?
23:40 – Chad gives a run-down on Fox’s post-apocolyptic sit-com The Last Man on Earth.
26:10 – More Captain Marvel talk.
30:30 – We ponder what terrible thing Mark Hamill must have done to Rian Johnson to make the director force him to milk a sea cow in Star Wars: The Last Jedi
33:46 – What in the Hell is cryptocurrency?
36:55 – After what Donald Trump would no doubt describe as a “fake sign-off”, we really do sign off.
Thanks for listening!
Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Drops
I guess they’ve been making these little independent films about a group of friends that always gather together when a crisis affects them. There’s a rich guy, this old-timer who’s from the 50’s or something, one guy who keeps losing his temper, a woman with a dark background she never talks about, the pretty boy, and a guy who’s a straight-arrow. You know, an ensemble piece. So the trailer for their latest movie was just released, so I’ll post it here for anyone who wants to take their date to a romcom or something.
Ep. 025 Dissing the DC Bleakaverse!
Sure, DC movies have had some hard knocks over recent years, but at least they warned us that Kevin Spacey is, in fact, a real diabolical menace! The two Nerdstalking evil geniuseses Bill and Chad take a journey into Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon’s darkened treatise on super friendship, Justice League, and lo and behold they find that there’s light at the end of the DC tunnel after all! Plus some talk on the first series of TV’s Star Trek: Discovery, and Chad relates his wondrous discovery of the films of SF movie extravaganza pioneer George Pal.