1967 Spider-Man TV Music Incorporated Into “Homecoming” Theme

We’ve gone through 18 different 60’s Spidey themes over the last 18 days, and as a bonus to celebrate today’s premiere of Spider-Man: Homecoming, here is a video showing how Michael Giacchino, music composer of the latest Spidey film, has actually incorporated the 60’s theme into the movie’s music. I think it’s a fitting tribute to one of the most endearing and enduring parts of Spider-Man history:

Theme (from “Spider Man”) [Original Television Series] by Michael Giacchino on VEVO.

Here is the final list of the 18 1967 Spider-Man themes:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer
Swinging in on Day 13 was: Volume
Swinging in on Day 14 was: Yuki Hide
Swinging in on Day 15 was: Temu
Swinging in on Day 16 was: Studio Bombshell
Swinging in on Day 17 was: Triforce Films
Swinging in on Day 18 was: Chad Gendron

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Chad Gendron

These have been 18 covers of the 1967 Spider-Man TV show, spread across 18 glorious days. This is Day 18, and I do believe we’ve left the best for last.

And now, from Nerdstalking’s own Chad Gendron, a version of the 60’s Spidey theme done in his own, inimitable style. I think you’ll agree that Chad really lays bare the true ramifications of having radioactive blood. See you tomorrow for the bonus round, to commemorate the premiere day of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer
Swinging in on Day 13 was: Volume
Swinging in on Day 14 was: Yuki Hide
Swinging in on Day 15 was: Temu
Swinging in on Day 16 was: Studio Bombshell
Swinging in on Day 17 was: Triforce Films

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers – Triforce Films

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 17:

Another great acapella version, where one spider-dude spins a complex web of sound with only his mouth:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer
Swinging in on Day 13 was: Volume
Swinging in on Day 14 was: Yuki Hide
Swinging in on Day 15 was: Temu
Swinging in on Day 16 was: Studio Bombshell

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Studio Bombshell

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 16:

Lunatic mercenary Deadpool gets his very own 60’s TV show opening, by way of hijacking Spidey’s theme. It’s a fine job by the crew at Studio Bombshell:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer
Swinging in on Day 13 was: Volume
Swinging in on Day 14 was: Yuki Hide
Swinging in on Day 15 was: Temu

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Temu

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 15:

A very out-there, electro-swing remix of the 60’s theme that sounds really good. It’s especially interesting what’s been done with the original voices:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer
Swinging in on Day 13 was: Volume
Swinging in on Day 14 was: Yuki Hide

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Yuki Hide

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 14:

What the… how the heck did this get on here? I don’t even know…
(Actually, it’s from the Spider-Man TV show produced by vaunted Japanese studio Toei, airing in Japan between 1978 and 1979. One good thing about the show, which Stan Lee himself commented on: they had the Spider-Man actor literally scurrying up and down the sides of real buildings.)

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer
Swinging in on Day 13 was: Volume

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Volume

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 13:

The focus in these posts has been on the 60’s Spider-Man theme song, and the band featured in this one certainly did a cover of that. But I think today I’ll post something a little different from them: it’s a cover of the interstitial music heard on the show, which anyone who watched it regularly would instantly recognize. It kind of makes me think of A Charlie Brown Christmas. That holiday perennial is eternally remembered, but mostly for the music featured within. I feel the 1967 Spider-Man enjoys the same phenomena.

So, the band is a Winnipeg outfit called Volume, their 2002 album is called The Amazing Spider-Band, and this particular piece is titled Tribute to Spider-Man:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Amazing Gamer

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 12:

If Spidey takes one wrong step off a ledge, he’s heading for the ground in a big hurry. And that, my fine-feathered friends, is my segue into this Dubstep version of the 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song, from AmazingGamer.

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: MyNewSoundtrack

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 11:

Here we have MyNewSoundtrack’s peppy 8-bit version of Spidey’s theme, which would feel at home blasting out of the family TV via a Nintendo game in 1992:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: The Flaming Lips

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 10:

An electro-funk version of the Spidey theme from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma band The Flaming Lips. It was featured as a bonus track on the official soundtrack for Spider-Man 3, released in 2007:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Jeff Lareau

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 9:

This is an orchestrated mix of the 60’s and 90’s Spidey TV show themes. In the video, it is cut against the opening credits of the first Spider-Man film, and it works amazingly well:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: The Warp Zone

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 8. That’s right! Same as the number of a spider’s legs!

This is a delightful acapella version of the theme, by the good folks at The Warp Zone. Along with sounding good, the video also has the benefit of the singers being dressed as a range of characters associated with Spider-Man. Enjoy:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Bomberman 64

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 7:

I’m sure that, in his swingin’ 60’s cartoon, Spider-Man came across his share of large, black, bowling-ball-shaped bombs with large fizzing fuses on the top. So a 1997 Bomberman 64 ad parodying the theme song isn’t too much of a stretch. It’s not a cover, per se, but I got a bang out of it. Again, I’ll show myself the door.

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Stikky

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 6:

Spider-Man needs a lot of raw power to swing through the high-rise buildings of New York City, so here’s a powerfully raw punk version of the 60’s theme song by Stikky, out of Berkeley, California. It was originally featured on their 1988 album Cuddle, and then again on the 1997 Spamthology: Volume One compilation album:

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio

Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Fuego Indio

18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has eight legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 5:

While Oscar winner Paul Francis Webster did the lyrics to the 60’s Spider-Man theme, Bob Harris was responsible for its music. Harris is also known as the composer of Love Theme for Lolita, found in Stanley Kubrick’s 1962 Lolita, a film about a middle-aged professor who falls for the charms of a spicy teenager. Speaking of hotness, from Monclova, Mexico comes Fuego Indio with their Spanish version of Harris’ theme.

Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous

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