Nerdstalking Podcast Ep. 010 Detour

Where Chad and Ross talk Ghostbusters 2016, Jacquie contemplates head a-holes, Evan says “Screw Frank Miller”, and Ross relates his fateful meeting with The Tragically Hip’s Gord Downie.

The Panel: Bill Hunter, Creator of The Dot Eaters: Video Game History 101 Chad Gendron, Screenwriter and Pop-Culture Expert at Canadian Culture Thing Ross Waddell, Professional Model Maker – but not the kind you’re thinking With Special Guests: Jacquie Pillon, voice of Cookie Falcone on Adult Swim’s Fuggetaboutit. Evan Dean, the Boy Wonder

One thought on “Nerdstalking Podcast Ep. 010 Detour

  1. I thought you guys did a good job defending the comedic quality of the new Ghostbusters movie. So often criticism of this movie is couched in gender politics, it was good to hear what makes the film actually funny.

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