IMDb Caught in Spider-Man’s Tangled Web
We here at Nerdstalking are plenty excited about the upcoming Marvel/Sony collab on Spider-Man: Homecoming, but I can’t help feeling that IMDb has taken their excitement too far. Call me a J. Jonah Jameson conspiracy theorist, but it seems to me that when your website become so closely associated with a movie property that when you visit it your first thought is that you must have made a mistake and accessed the official Marvel website, it just might encourage an effort behind the scenes to promote positive stories and reviews of the property and suppress negative ones. I mean, those complete wrappings of a website, where it invades every corner of the page, don’t come cheap. What might be paining me is that the IMDb has built up a long reputation on the Internet. In fact, getting access to it was one of the reasons why I jumped through hoops to get onto the Internet, back in the day. The spectacle of watching it slowly sell itself out makes me sad. Then again, perhaps I’m just weaving a web that isn’t really there.
I’ll leave you to decide whether the Spider-Man wrapping of IMDb goes too far, with this video of the Spider-Man: Homecoming page on IMDb, taken Jun 16, 2017: