Here Comes the Spider-Man Theme Covers: Yuki Hide
18 days, 18 goddamn glorious 1967 Spider-Man TV show theme song covers! Because a spider has 8 legs, and if you take the 1 away from 18 you get 8! Here’s Day 14:
What the… how the heck did this get on here? I don’t even know…
(Actually, it’s from the Spider-Man TV show produced by vaunted Japanese studio Toei, airing in Japan between 1978 and 1979. One good thing about the show, which Stan Lee himself commented on: they had the Spider-Man actor literally scurrying up and down the sides of real buildings.)
Swinging in on Day 1 was: Michael Bublé
Swinging in on Day 2 was: The Ramones
Swinging in on Day 3 was: Aerosmith
Swinging in on Day 4 was: Moxy Früvous
Swinging in on Day 5 was: Fuego Indio
Swinging in on Day 6 was: Stikky
Swinging in on Day 7 was: Bomberman 64
Swinging in on Day 8 was: The Warp Zone
Swinging in on Day 9 was: Jeff Lareau
Swinging in on Day 10 was: The Flaming Lips
Swinging in on Day 11 was: MyNewSoundtrack
Swinging in on Day 12 was: Amazing Gamer
Swinging in on Day 13 was: Volume
Can i save picture the spiderman climbing and use it, thanks
I want save the picture of spiderman climbing and use it, thanks
Sure, although its an official Marvel image and we do not hold any rights to it.