Chad’s Justice League Song
Chad hypothesizes the Justice League film in song! We’ve seen it now and his prophetic words are eerily Nostradamus-like. Look for his upcoming song prophesying the next hundred-years of Popes! “…And in the year 2024 Donald Trump Junior will contribute greatly to the Vatican’s ivory collection and will be appointed Pope Trump!”
Funny Dubbed Milking Scene in The Last Jedi
Say what you might about Star Wars: The Last Jedi, (and Nerdstalking does say, a lot, in our review of it here:, but at least it has the singularly strangest scene of any big-budget movie of at least the last ten years, if not further back. Heroine Rey has tracked down reclusive Jedi Luke Skywalker, who summarily refuses to train her in her Force powers. After following Skywalker around his desolate island to determine what is keeping him so busy that he can’t help her out, she make a harrowing discovery of just what a fallen Jedi does to get some protein in his diet.