Death Star from Rogue One A Star Wars Story

Nerdstalking Podcast Ep. 015

Where we celebrate (and vilify) the highs (and lows) of 2016. We update previous Nerdstalking topics such as ‘Batman v Superman’, ‘The Twilight Zone’ and Stephen King, and pick at the scabs left by the many celebrity deaths of 2016 including Carrie Fisher. To top things off, we put the “Death” in “Death Star” with a spoiler-filled examination of the tale of how the plans of that technological terror were stolen, in ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’.

One thought on “Nerdstalking Podcast Ep. 015

  1. You guys make covering various pop-culture topics look easy, all of your content looks fantastic too!
    Good job giving praise to one of the best Star Wars movies ever.

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